21 October 2024 • Online Edition • phone/fax: (519) 245-6116 • www.banner.on.ca • editor@banner.on.ca • $2.25 ($2.14 + GST)


The Middlesex BANNER

"Your Community News Since 1996"

Get your business year off to a great start!

Put the POWER of BANNER Publications to work...for you!

Did you know...
70% of local households saw the latest BANNER edition?

80% of our newspapers are read cover-to-cover?

40% of BANNER households earn more than $100,000 per year?

One in three BANNER readers are post-secondary graduates.

Two in three BANNER readers are 40 years of age and above & have high disposable incomes.

One-third of BANNER readers shop every week in Exeter, two-thirds of our readers are weekly shoppers in Strathroy, and of course, most are regular London shoppers.

BANNER advertising rates are the LOWEST ad rates in London-Middlesex. In order to cover the same audience, you would need to run ad campaigns on 3-4 London radio stations - simultaneously!

Think about it.
How many people do you know all listen to the same radio station? The radio market is very fragmented. The top radio station is CBC Radio One (50% of the entire Greater London Area radio market) and CBC Radio Two has another 5%.  The dozen commercial radio stations split the remaining 45% of the radio audience between them, unevenly.
Stations sell ads on frequency, which is how you should purchase print advertising, too. Frequency does get results. Radio ad packages include peak, off-peak, and late-night time slots. Furthermore, many listeners tune out/turn off radio ads! Print ads on the other hand are on the page and inescapable!

So use Frequency in your advertising:
Frequency in print ads does work: 6-12 times are needed for good results.

You should also use Colour in your advertising:
Colour improves the "read" of your ad by 5 times.

Be sure to develop a “hook” in your advertising:
You will get improved ad response if you take the time to develop a really worthwhile "hook", something memorable that is a great deal! If you're stuck for ideas, we can help. We have 28 years of expertise.

To download The Middlesex BANNER  coverage map: click here

To download The Middlesex BANNER  Online Edition Ad rates: Website rate sheet

To download The Middlesex BANNER  ad rates sheet: click here